Book Review: Nabokov’s Favorite Word is Mauve by Ben Blatt (2017)

(Published in the February 2021 Issue of The Sequitur, Westdale Secondary School, Hamilton, ON) In literature, men are most likely to “grin” and women to “scream”. Ray Bradbury claimed that “cinnamon” was one of his favorite words, yet he used “spearmint” more than any other author, eclipsing many other authors, actually, in his use of spices….

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Book Review: Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda (1924)

It is hard to deny just how much poetry has evolved through history. From the precisely rhymed and arranged stanzas of the 1800s to the free-falling, abstract, and unpunctuated words of today, poetry is constantly shifting, difficult to keep contained within a single definition. And perhaps this is natural; poetry expresses one of the deepest…

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