the lake

A gleaming fingernail of a moon hung over the bird, the pool of saltless water lapping the mossy rock. You know how the Great Lakes curl into Ontario as well as the US? On a map, the point where water meets land would just be a line, but in reality, where the lake licks the…

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home for the summer

The Canadian spring weather that greeted me at the Toronto airport was cold–but then, that was back in early May. Today, I went out for what feels like my sixteenth walk and saw flowers cupping sunlight like overflowing goblets of hues. Afterward, I came back inside and scrolled through my mess of photos from my…

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City Tour #1

During winter break, I walked countless magical streets of snow back home in Hamilton. Phin’s Coffee, which is interesting and warm and ivy-covered on the inside, is located in a very peculiar place on King Street West. It’s almost hidden in a whitewashed building just beside a narrow alley, but they’ll give you your coffee…

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